Things to Do – Jenkins Arboretum

When I first moved to West Chester, I was obsessed with Longwood Gardens… and rightfully so! Its variety of beauty so grand and well-manicured and expansive was something that I never dreamed of in the area I grew up in central PA. Since living here for a while, though, I’ve discovered that almost everyone has another garden that holds a special place in their heart. A smaller one. More private, less fussy, quieter. For me, Longwood Gardens will always hold a special place in my heart, but boy am I having fun exploring these lesser known green spaces in our area. There are so many!

Jenkins Arboretum is a great choice for a day out. Not only is it just a 20 minute drive from West Chester, but it is also a donation only entry fee, which means if you’re having a lean week (or month. or year.) You can enjoy Jenkins Arboretum for free. (If you can, please support Jenkins with a bigger donation upon entry because this space is worth it! 🙂 )

Jenkins Arboretum is a little closer to us than the Valley Forge Historical Park. You pop off of 202 North and take a quick drive through a wooded road to get to a nicely maintained parking lot outside of this really beautiful entrance structure.

There’s a donation box outside for your entrance donation and an education center with gifts and such. There’s also a nice deck with chairs and plenty of space for a group to gather before or after a walk. You walk over the deck or through the education center and then before you is just an absolutely magical 1-1.5 mile stroll through the woods

When you exit the visitor’s center there is a forked path. I recommend starting by going to the right for a nice walk through the woods. The website warns you that some of the paths are very steep, but if you are a person who does any kinds of mountain/hill hiking it is not at all strenuous. I found the walk to be a very easy one and very beautiful with well-maintained paths (the cushy kind that feels like its made from old tires,) a variety of well-labelled plants and trees, and maps posted periodically along the way

The narrow and quiet paths invite you to stay a while with benches scattered periodically along your walk. I spent a good hour and a half with husbo on our visit and we only encountered about five other groups of people even on a beautiful day with excellent weather.

After walking long the right path, you eventually find a wider, paved road. Crossing it will wind you past a stream and carry you to a beautiful, hilly clearing with a pond at the bottom. There are charming wildflower gardens here and there and the trees play spectacularly with the lighting. We saw photographers on our walk mingled between the families with small children and couples enjoying the scenery.

Especially given that you can enjoy this local arboretum with a low price of admission, I would highly recommend going to check it out for yourself. My very amateur android phone photography does not at all capture how charming this arboretum is. Definitely go if you’re looking for something inexpensive to do that wont take a lot of time. In the same breath, this arboretum definitely feels like it is inviting you to linger and enjoy the beauty of nature. Next time I go I’m bringing a book or some paper to draw with. I can’t wait to return! 🙂

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